Mitochondrial Eve

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An interesting Science publication authored by Roger Lewiin depicts this story from scientific papers about how an ancient mitochondrial DNA within all our cells has been traced to a common ancestor, known as “Mitochondrial Eve”. This so-called Eve was a woman who lived 200,000 years ago and had enough daughters in a continuous chain that her Mitochondrial DNA survived to this day in every country worldwide.

A “Discovery” TV movie and a PBS Nova documentary tells us that by archeological and scientific DNA findings, this woman who lived about 200,000 years ago in Southern Africa has this original mitochondrial DNA, and that all humans on this planet, every one of us, has this very same mitochondrial DNA identity. As such, mankind’s migratory trail can be scientifically traced by our evolutionary journey from say, the US, back through Europe, Russia, China to Africa - to this one woman.

The evidence is clear and accepted by scientists worldwide that every human on this planet can trace their mitochondrial DNA within their cells to this “Eve”. In this respect, these scientific substantiations indicate that we are all brothers, sisters and cousins. As such, it makes sense for all of us to care for each other.

Validity statement: This article about “Mitochondrial Eve” has been researched, scrutinized and accepted by the scientific elite at presentations, conventions, scientific journals, in “Time” Magazine January 1987, and “Newsweek” January 11, 1988. See also Wikipedia, and Google “Mitochondria Eve” for scientific papers or further articles on this synopsis.

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